Welcome to Fulton Lodge F & AM #248

Serving Free & Accepted Masons in and around Fulton County since 1854, our lodge is located in the heart of Delta, OH, and part of the Fabulous 5th District. We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm. Freemasonry is the oldest, largest, and most widely recognized fraternal organization in the world. Thirteen signers of the Constitution and fourteen Presidents of the United States, including George Washington, were Freemasons. Today, there are more than 2 million Freemasons in North America alone, 75,000 of which are Ohio Freemasons.

March 18 Jiggs Dinner

Join us on March 18 for our annual Jiggs Dinner at Fulton Lodge. Brothers are encouraged to bring their family and friends up for the event. Dress is business casual and we are asking for a freewill donation. RSVPs are an absolute must so we know what to prepare for. Dinner will be at 6:00pm. We do not have any special meeting called after, but that is subject to change. Please RSVP to secretary@fultonlodge.org by MARCH 10. Our stewards will begin cooking at noon, so feel free to join them for a little fellowship and company before dinner!

Open House / Lunch with the Masons on 4/27/2024

The members of Fulton Lodge No. 248 Free & Accepted Masons, of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, welcome the public for a tour of this 131-year-old Masonic lodge building in Delta, Ohio. The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2021 for Architectural distinction and has been hosting stated Masonic meetings since 1894. The tour will be on the second and third floors of the Lodge building, which is unfortunately not handicap accessible. Stop by and have a hotdog on us and take of tour of this amazing structure in the heart of Delta. 

Fulton Lodge Takes Home the Traveling Trophy from Sherwoods Inspection

Our first major winter storm of the season made it a challenging night for travel to Sherwood Lodge in Defiance. Thankfully by the time inspection was complete, most of the snow had melted off. Of course, I want to thank our brothers who traveled this evening, but for everyone who decided to sit this one out, it was a smart decision. The roads were treacherous in many areas, so always use your best judgment and always stay safe!

At the time of lodge counts, Fulton Lodge led the pack with 7 brothers in attendance. We took home the traveling trophy for this first round, and we have another opportunity to hold on to it next Friday at Wauseon. The gavel drops at 7 pm next Friday in the FC degree.

Travel Safe, Travel Well, Travel Often

Fulton Lodge Brother Appointed to 5th District DEO

Fulton Lodge's WB Craig Szczublewski, was appointed as one of the 5th District DEOs at the 214th Grand Lodge Communications in October. WB Dennis Richardson of Wauseon is also appointed as DEO and RWB James Parsons of Liberty Center is the newly appointed DDGM.  Their combined installation will be October 27th at Liberty Center Lodge starting at 7:30pm, all are welcome to attend.
