In the Celebration of our 100th Anniversary, we pause to give thanks to those who cannot be with us, those who are with the Great Architect of the Universe.
Could our wishes be granted, they would be with us at this celebration in person, rather than in the memories we hold and cherish of them.
My sincere thanks to the Past Masters and Brethren who have cooperated in making this Anniversary Year a success. May Fulton Lodge continue to follow the designs which were drawn on the trestle board by our founders, so that it will remain an honor to them and a credit to the Craft.
We pray that the Great Master will grant us continued success proportionate with that which we have enjoyed in the century just passed.
I am grateful and proud to serve as Master of Pulton Lodge No. 248 during this important year in our history.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Emerson Mohr,
Worshipful Master. (1954)